
My background:

I grew up in a staunchly pro-labor household, the son of a union president railroader, and a public school Occupational Therapist. Family dinner topics were frequently political or economic, and infused me with the belief that a well-run government is essential for a just society to function.

My family:
I am married to a union Nurse Practitioner, and am the very proud Dad of two grade school students in ISD 622. Our household is rounded out by a pair of pit bulls and a cat who runs the show, all packed into a house in the Midvale neighborhood. We are dedicated fans of Maplewood Parks, especially our beloved Geranium!

My working world:
I spent close to two decades working in frontline care. I signed my very first union card while a technician at UMMC, and never looked back. Coming from a labor family, I volunteered for every opportunity to improve my workplace and support my union, serving as a steward, an officer, and as the union delegate to numerous committees. I eventually left healthcare to work in the labor world, for the last two years at the Minnesota Nurses Association.

I love where I live, and have sought out opportunities to contribute wherever I can. On the non-political side, I was a member of the Ramsey County Library Board, where my peers elevated me to Vice Chair.  On the political side, I was privileged to serve two terms as the Treasurer of the Maplewood DFL.

My decision to seek office:

Maplewood is a rapidly changing city. Those changes are bringing a fresh batch of issues for our city government to address, from employment and housing to environmental responsibility, and Maplewood needs new voices and opinions to responsibly meet these challenges. I believe, as someone who is both an outsider to Maplewood’s government but is also an experienced and responsible leader, that I can provide one of those voices.